
Tuesday 18 March 2014

Year 5 camp out

When I got to school on Thursday I was a bit too excited I think. I just couldn't wait to get started. After lunch we started walking to the senior school. There was a few students saying "are we there yet?" and "can you hold my bag for me?". When we got to the senior school we headed to the pool first. Once we got dressed we all dived into the pool. A few minutes later we started playing classic catches.

After we went in the pool we started playing sport. We had the choice of touch rugby, soccer and cricket. I played cricket and I had lots of fun.

Once we played sport we started setting up our tents. After we set up our tents we started playing activities with the year 11s.

Then we watched a movie called Cool Runnings. I sat next to Angus and Sachin.

We went to bed in the tent it took around 15 minutes to go to sleep and there was plenty of farting as well.

In the morning we packed up and walked back to Wyvern.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The funniest moments in rugby
This post is all the funny moments in rugby . Today I will show you my top 5 funniest moments in rugby of all time. The photos I'll show you are a part of rugby union and rugby league.
5. This is what I call CRAZY kicking.   

4. Don't tickle me any more 


3. Did you tell me I'm not playing for South Africa anymore


2. You may not know that he is also a ballerina as well.

Alright this is the part you have been waiting for.

1. Someone let me know when we're done